Friday, September 3, 2010

Thank you, Earl . . . I mean, God

Thank God that He is so gracious in answering prayer.  Tropical storm Earl skirted right by us last night, creating a pleasant breeze and giving us a light rain.  As a result, we don't anticipate any flight delays today.  Christy and Lauren are scrambling with last minute packing as they look to meet Christy's mom and aunt for their flight at 12:30 this afternoon.  Please pray for them as they travel - no cancellations, delays, missed connections, and for comfort as they fly.  And when you do, also remember Lucy in prayer.  Although she may be excited about finally being adopted, there will no doubt be anxieties as she meets her new family and leaves her country.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Tom,
I pray that the Lord will protect your family as they travel to bring home Lucy. I also pray that the Lord will help Lucy through this transition as well as you and all the girls. After reading your recent blog posts, I can't imagine the dificulties and pain that Lucy has gone through, but the Lord is providing for her through you and your family. Helen and I can't wait to see how He works in all your lives through the faith and love you have all shown by bringing Lucy into your family.