Thursday, September 9, 2010

Last full day in Lucy's home province

Today was our last full day here in Liaoning province.  Tomorrow Lucy will take her first airplane ride, and she seems excited about it.  But then again, she seems excited about most anything right now.  It is truly amazing!  And we are sooo thankful!!!  All praise to God!!!

We started out the day by going to pick up Lucy's passport and visiting the Imperial Palace.  Then off for a little more shopping and late lunch at Pizza Hut.  Oh, how good it was!!! Pizza and a coke with ice!  Lucy turned her nose up so we took her to Walmart and let her pick something out to bring into the restaurant   (Well, three things).  This girl can eat!  I think she is trying to pack it all in knowing that she be leaving in a week.  I know exactly how she feels.  Lauren and I savored every last bite at Macaroni Grill the night before we left.  So we all enjoyed dinner in the end.  Oh yeah, we were sitting in Pizza Hut, listening to Dolly Parton on the sound system.  Are we really in China?  Kind of a weird moment. :)

Lucy is still doing great!  Smiling, skipping through the room, singing.  She is actually giving us a concert right now.  She LOVES to sing and knows she is good. :)  I cannot wait to introduce her to contemporary Christain music!  I am sure she will love it!

I will close with this.  She asked me to braid her hair today and to blow dry it tonight!  She has never had a mom to do this and it THRILLS my soul when she asks me to do this.  Oh, and what teenager will hold your hand all around town. :)  And her sisters?  We like that too.  :)


Jennifer DelaCourt said...

Sarah Kate said, "Well, if she doesn't like Pizza Hut I hope she likes Atlanta Bread!"

Ellie' s Mom said...

Hi Christy: I have been following your blog waiting to follow in your steps that lead to Ellie...I miss you and can't wait to celebrate Lucy's homecoming. Embrace every moment and come home safely. My prayers are with you all. Got to spend time with the girls yesterday at Ana's birthday party. Loved every minute. I'm waiting for my moment :)

Rick, Erica, Charlie and Andrew said...

Christy...Praying for you guys, and so grateful it is going well! Can't wait to meet Lucy!!