Thursday, February 12, 2009

More pics of Lucy!

We were pleasantly surprised to get these new pictures of Lucy and her friends from Bob and Pat. The English teacher is sending photos fairly regularly. This is a blessing considering most families who adopt hardly get to see any pictures of their child. Lucy is the one in the tan jacket. Looks like the nannies took them out shopping. We're guessing the orphanage received some money to spoil the older children.


Jennifer DelaCourt said...

What cute pictures....she looks so grown up! I love how she is posing for the picture...We are praying for her everyday!

Beach Mama said...

How wonderful to receive the photos! Lucy is a beautiful young lady! She is a perfect addition to your family.

Jack and Susie said...

Yeah! The pictures are great. We need to chat soon so I can catch up on how the adoption process is going. Oh, I'll just facebook you!

Thank you for sharing the pictures!


Beach Mama said...

I have a blog Lovey Award for you over at my site. Stop by sometime and pick it up at

Nikki said...
